2025 CDMSBL Waiver & Release


Summary of Changed/Updated Rules for 2025

Rule 1-1: Removal of the July 1st deadline for any new or released players to join new teams

Rule 5-3: No courtesy runners in the 45+ and 55+ divisions

Rule 5-7: Rule clarification about ejected players with no reserve players available

Rule 7-4: Mercy Rule is now 10 runs after 5 innings for 18+, 33+, 45+ and 55+ divisions

Rule 11-1: Removal of the July 1st deadline.  Playoff eligibility based on required games played per each division


ARTICLE 1 Player Movement/Roster Rules

1-1: A player on a roster must stay on his team from Nov. 1 to the end of his team's season. If a player chooses to leave his team, he must notify the General Manager of his current team and the Division's Commissioner before he can be rostered to his new team. A player can request to be released by his General Manager after Nov. 1, but the GM is not obligated to honor that request. The GM will inform the Division's Commissioner of his decision. It will be assumed by the Division's Commissioner and CDMSBL officers that existing players are staying with their respective teams unless notified in writing or by email of intent to move to another team. All players must sign a waiver/registration form and a Code of Conduct (COC) form. A player's previously submitted waiver/registration form and COC will carry over to his new team. A player cannot switch teams unless he satisfies any and all outstanding financial obligations of his former team, including the return of his team uniform or team equipment if required. In case of discrepancies, an appeal can be made to the commissioner of his division. A GM can release a player at any time. A released player can then move to any team. If a player is released or is granted his release and signs onto another team, he must inform his GM and the division’s Commissioner. Forms will transfer. A player or GM has the right to protest any release or non-release to his commissioner. If the decision is not satisfactory, the player or GM can then appeal to the CDMSBL Board of Directors. All protests must be presented in writing. The Board of Directors may refuse to hear the protest at their discretion. The Board of Director’s decision on all protests is final and binding.


Any team entering any division must perform the following steps:Leadership of this new team must apply via the President and appropriate divisional Commissioner. This application will include a roster with contact info and the signatures of each player. At least 12 players must be on this roster when submitted to the President and Commissioner. It is due Nov. 15. No limit on number of players can transfer to the new team. The President and Commissioner must approve the application by Nov. 20 for it to proceed. If approved, the applicant must then pay a $500 deposit to the league Treasurer by Dec. 1. With receipt of this deposit, the GMs of the pertinent Division must then approve the new team’s entry with at least 70% of the vote. GMs will be availed of the proposed roster prior to the vote. This vote must occur by Jan. 10. The Division’s Season Plan will include all the associated information, rosters, President’s and Commissioner’s acceptance or denial and GM vote totals of both accepted and failed applicants. With GM approval, a new team can then be accepted as a full member in good standing of CDMSBL and the division for which it has applied. Its $500 Application Deposit will be retained as the team’s $500 Team Fee Deposit usually due March 1; the team’s Forfeit Deposit fee of $125 is also due March 1. The balance of the team fee is due by April 1. The applicant should update his roster as needed during deliberation of the team’s entry. Upon entry, the roster will be official with submission and verification of the required COC and Waiver/Registration forms. If the applicant fails for any reason, the $500 deposit will be returned.


ARTICLE 2 Fees/Accident Insurance/Registration Process

2-1: Each year, within the required SEASON PLAN, CDMSBL Commissioners will propose entry fees for all teams in each division. The fees will cover CDMSBL's operating costs, including, but not limited to, umpires, game balls, awards and liability insurance for the use of all fields.

2-2: Forfeit fees: Only due if a team forfeits a game. CDMSBL will establish a deposit for all teams. The deposit will cover costs associated with a forfeited game. The deposit is currently $125 and is in addition to a team's entry fee. In case of a forfeit, the offending team will lose its $125 deposit and replace it before the end of the regular season. Failure to do so will preclude the team from postseason play and awards. The Treasurer will hold all such deposits in escrow and upon forfeiture will then deposit these funds into the division's account. If both teams forfeit, each team must replace its $125 forfeit deposit before the end of the regular season or both teams will not be eligible for postseason games or awards. The General Manager of any offending team will not be eligible to play in CDMSBL in subsequent years until that deposit is replaced. Changing GMs will not eliminate the sanction. If a team completes a season with no forfeited games, the General Manager has the option of getting his forfeit deposit back or leaving it with CDMSBL for the following year’s fee.


a) A $500 deposit shall be due to the CDMSBL Treasurer by March 1 of the upcoming season and be applied toward the CDMSBL registration fee. If the deposit is not received by March 1, a penalty of $25 shall be imposed and payable for every seven (7) days or fractional part thereof through March 15. If a team fails to meet its financial obligation by March 15, all deposits shall be returned to the team’s General Manager and the team will not be eligible to play in CDMSBL for the upcoming season. Refunded deposits shall be minus incurred league costs. Penalties paid to CDMSBL will not be returned. A sanctioned team wishing to be reinstated must follow the NEW TEAM procedure as outlined in these rules.

b) Each team's balance shall be paid in full to the CDMSBL Treasurer by April 1. A penalty of $50 for every seven (7) days or fractional part thereof through April 15 shall be assessed for the unpaid balance of entry fee with April 1 as the reference date. Failure to pay the CDMSBL registration fee and penalties in full by April 15 shall constitute disqualification from participation in the CDMSBL. All deposits shall be returned, but the disqualified team will forfeit all penalty payments. All fees must be received and in possession of the Treasurer by the aforementioned dates. CDMSBL and/or the Treasurer are not responsible for lost payments. Each team is responsible for timely delivery of payment(s).

2-4: Each team shall submit its deposit and remaining balance using one check or one money order made payable to "CDMSBL’’ and sent to the CDMSBL Treasurer.

2-5: Each player in the CDMSBL shall be responsible for his own accident/health insurance. By accepting membership into CDMSBL and signing the Waiver/Registration form, players agree to hold CDMSBL, its officers and team General Managers harmless from all legal action/liability arising from CDMSBL policies and activities.

2-6: Each Commissioner will set his division’s budget prior to the start of the season within the Proposed Season Plan as submitted to the Board as described by the president.


ARTICLE 3 Code of Conduct

3-1: Each team in all divisions shall operate under CDMSBL rules.

3-2: A team who uses an ineligible player in a CDMSBL game shall forfeit that game and be subject to all forfeiture penalties. A second violation shall result in the indefinite suspension of the offending General Manager. The GM’s reinstatement shall be determined at a hearing conducted by the CDMSBL Board of Directors. There shall be no appeal process of the final decision. The verdict will be based on a majority vote of the full Board of Directors. If a deadlock results, the president will make the final determination and issue his rationale to the full Board. Ineligible players include, but are not limited to, a player serving a suspension, an underage player, a player who is not on a Team Roster, or a borrowed player not approved by the opposing manager. GMs must follow the protocol for borrowing players as established in the CDMSBL rules.

3-3: GMs are encouraged to give everyone on their roster an opportunity to play. But play is not guaranteed by the league.

3-4: a) Good sportsmanship and conduct by all players, CDMSBL officials, officers and umpires are required on and off the field at all times. CDMSBL will not tolerate conduct that is detrimental to the organization. The President and commissioners have authority to enforce violations of the Code of Conduct policy or to convene a disciplinary committee when offending actions are reported to the Board. The Disciplinary Committee shall be comprised of at least three (3) members of the CDMSBL Board of Directors appointed by the President. This committee shall investigate and determine disciplinary action, if any, within 10 days maximum. The recommendations of this committee are binding and final. The Commissioner or President is authorized to impose penalties on offenders if he wishes to bypass the Board process described here. b) No alcoholic beverages are allowed at the playing fields or the property of the playing fields before, during or after all games. This applies to all CDMSBL players, officers/officials and umpires, in uniform or as a spectator, including their visitors. Offenders of this rule jeopardize CDMSBL's ability to secure fields. Any person or team violating this rule is subject to fines, suspensions or expulsions by CDMSBL.


  • First ejection: The next game an ejected player attends, he must sit the full game in dugout in full team uniform for the team in which he was ejected. 
  • Second ejection: Player sits the next three (3) full games he attends in the dugout in full team uniform for the team in which he received his second ejection. If the player competes for more than one team, he sits only for the team in which the second ejection was issued. 
  • Third ejection: Player sits next 10 full games he attends in dugout in full team uniform and will cover all teams for which he plays. For example, if the player is on a 45 team and a 33 team, the player sits next 10 games cumulative covering both teams. 
  • Fourth ejection: Player sits next 20 full games he attends in dugout in full team uniform and will cover all teams for which he plays. Player is also disqualified from all post-season play. If fewer than 20 games remain in the season, the penalty will continue into the next season the player wishes to compete. 
  • Fifth ejection: Player is banned from CDMSBL. (We’ve allowed one banned player to appeal for reinstatement.) STIPULATIONS to EJECTIONS: - A player must serve the penalty by staying for the entire game(s)
  • Ejections include being ineligible for ALL CDMSBL-sponsored events, i.e., Labor Day Tournament, All-Star games, regular-season games, playoff games, etc. … While a player is suspended from special events, he may not count those games toward his suspension from his team’s games.
  • Ejected players will not be eligible for any rebates
  • Ejections are cumulative and do not have to be issued in the same year. (If you were ejected in 2014, then from another game in 2016, you sit the next three (3) games) you attend. - Ejections from all past seasons apply. - The league maintains a registry of past ejections.
  • The General Manager has a responsibility to set and maintain an appropriate decorum for his team as legislated in part by the CDMSBL Code of Conduct policy. If a team has a propensity of player ejections, the GM will be held accountable for his team's behavior. During a season, a GM will also be suspended one game for every player ejected upon the third team ejection during that season. This rule will apply even if the manager is not present at the game. 


The CDMSBL Waiver and Release of liability form is an online form that MUST be filled out and signed by all players in each division before they can participate.  Players that participate in multiple divisions MUST fill out the online form for each team they play for. (2025 CDMSBL Waiver & Release)


In consideration of being allowed to participate on behalf of the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League athletic program and related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:

  1. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist; and,
  2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releases or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,
  3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation in regards to protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,
  4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League, their officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“RELEASEES”), with respect to any and all illness, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of releasees or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.


ARTICLE 4 Team Rosters

4-1: Each team will have one General Manager who is responsible for the rosters and all league business pertaining to that team. Such business will also include, but not be limited to, fees, dues, registration/waiver forms, attending CDMSBL meetings and player releases. The General Manager shall be identified on the team roster, but is not required to take up a roster spot unless he is a player.

4-2: Players must be no younger than the age of the division for which he wants to play by Dec. 31 of the current year. Commissioners may consider issuing waivers, but a request may not be granted. Waivers can only be obtained for players one (1) year younger than the age of the division. The Commissioner will consider, but may not heed, statements by the General Managers of each team. No more than one (1) waiver per team will be considered (with possible exceptions depending on division-specific language). Each team is responsible for providing proof of age upon request by a CDMSBL Officer/Board member or General Manager to be eligible, all players must complete the online registration form, which includes a waiver release, and also read the Code of Conduct location in Section 3. These forms must be signed and submitted before any player can participate in sanctioned CDMSBL games. Access to the online registration forms, waiver releases and Code of Conduct information can be obtained via the website.

4-3: An opposing General Manager may question a player’s age at any time. If a General Manager questions a player’s eligibility, proof of age must be provided to the General Manager within seven (7) days of such request. If an ineligible player is detected, even if the game has been played, Section 3-2 of these rules shall apply. The GM and all his players, spectators and visitors must heed the Code of Conduct rules if the eligibility of one of his players is questioned.

4-4: Team Rosters must include the General Manager’s name and each player’s name, address, phone number, date of birth and email address. CDMSBL can reject illegible, incorrect or incomplete forms. If a player changes teams, but played the previous year in CDMSBL, the GM needs to notify the league President and the forms will be moved to the new team. Players are sworn to abide by the COC form for life after the initial signing.

4-5: Rosters are created as players fill out the online waiver form (Section 3-6).  Team rosters are unlimited.  GM’s, Team Managers, Commissioners, Board Officials and website managers will have access to the compiled list of players as they are updated.  Board Officials will maintain and administer the compiled list of team players. Website managers will use these lists to fill out the rosters on each Team’s website.

4-6: A General Manager may resign from his team. But the departing GM must first select a new GM by team consensus and report this immediately to his Commissioner. The Commissioner will then alert the Board. The Commissioner or the departing GM may appoint an interim General Manager if the departing GM cannot find one. The Board must approve that appointment. An interim GM shall have all the responsibilities of a permanent GM. The interim General Manager, however, shall have no power to release players. The team may replace an interim GM or a standing GM by majority vote of its roster at any time.

4-7: If a General Manager resigns or releases himself, all releases prior to his departure will be void if the new interim or elected General Manager files a written protest with the Commissioner. The General Manager can appeal the Commissioner’s decision to the President. If the decision finds in favor of the new General Manager, all releases in question must then be approved by the new General Manager. The protest must be filed within seven (7) days.

4-8: The President, Board of Directors or Commissioner may choose to dissolve a team for failure to abide by the By-Laws and/or rules governing any division of the Capital District Men’s Senior Baseball League. A General Manager may also dissolve or "fold’’ his team if he makes a case to the Board that no other General Manager can be found - interim or otherwise - and the consensus of the team favors dissolution. The forfeit fee will be refunded to the General Manager unless a forfeit fee is owed. No other refunds will be given. All games scheduled to be played by the dissolved team will be canceled and the division's standings will be adjusted accordingly with teams scheduled to play the dissolved team gaining a victory in the standings.

4-9: Players cannot be on more than one (1) Team Roster in the same division. The Commissioner can impose sanctions on players and GMs who violate this rule.


ARTICLE 5 Specialized Game Rules

5-1: Major League Baseball rules shall apply unless superseded by CDMSBL rules.

5-2: CDMSBL has a defensive re-entry rule. All players, except pitchers, may be substituted defensively at any time without affecting a player’s offensive status in the lineup. If any pitcher is removed, he may re-enter as a pitcher only once. A pitcher cannot pitch again in the inning from which he was removed. If a pitcher is removed and is inserted into the defensive lineup, or goes to the bench, he may return to pitch again, but not in the same inning.

5-3: Each division will determine the number of courtesy runners it wants to utilize prior to the start of the season. Any player requiring a courtesy runner shall be announced to the opposing team when exchanging lineups before the game. An asterisk or CR in the batting lineup shall be placed next to the name of the player(s) requiring a courtesy runner. If two courtesy runners are indicated in the lineup before the start of the game, a third courtesy runner cannot be used to replace an injured player once the game starts. A pinch-runner can be used to replace an injured player providing he is not already in the lineup. He then must replace the injured player in the batting order, and the injured player can only return defensively. If only one courtesy runner is indicated before the start of the game, a second can be implemented after the first pitch of the game. A courtesy runner may enter for an injured player, but the injured player cannot re-enter the game. A team may elect to use a pinch runner for the injured player, but then must replace the injured player in the batting lineup. 

  • 18+ Division: No courtesy runners
  • 33+ Division: No courtesy runners
  • 45+ Division: No courtesy runners
  • 55+ Division: No courtesy runners

5-4: Courtesy runners must be the last BATTED out. With two outs, a team may run for the catcher to utilize a speed-up rule. This is not mandatory. The catcher can continue to occupy a base if he so desires. If the rule is utilized, the runner must be the last batted out unless he already has a courtesy runner. If there are no outs, revert to the previous inning for the last batted out. In the first inning, the last batter in the order will be used. 

5-5: If a batter who has a courtesy runner decides to run for himself, he loses the privilege of having a courtesy runner for the remainder of the game.

5-6: Each team may bat as many players as desired in the initial lineup with a minimum of nine (9). If a manager wants to add players to the bottom of the lineup during the game, he may do so at any time. If a player is pinch-hit for, he may not re-enter the game as a batter, but can stay in the game defensively or be used defensively at any time thereafter. A batter cannot be deleted or skipped over in the lineup regardless of his batting position or when he was added to the lineup except in situations described in Article 5-7 below. As an alternative to adding batters to the bottom of the lineup, batters can be added in any spot utilizing alternating at-bats throughout the game. These positions shall be designated in the scorebook as 1A/B, 2A/B, 6A/B, 9A/B ... etc. Any position in the order can utilize the A/B designation. They need not be consecutive. The A/B positions must be designated before the start of the game.

5-7: If a team has no reserve players and a player is ejected, no matter how many players in the batting lineup, an out shall be recorded each time his spot in the order comes up for the remainder of the game.

  • If a team is batting 9 players with no reserve players and a player is forced to leave the game for any reason, including an ejection, an out shall be recorded each time his spot in the order comes up for the remainder of the game. While the defensive team is responsible for recording the out for the missing players at-bats, good sportsmanship is encouraged when said spot in the batting order comes up.
  • If a team is batting 10 players with no reserve players and a player is forced to leave the game for any reason, other than an ejection, an out shall be recorded when said player’s turn comes up the first time only. After that, the batting order shall condense with no further penalty. While the defensive team is responsible for recording the out for the missing players at-bat, good sportsmanship is encouraged when said spot in the batting order comes up.
  • If a team is batting 11 or more players with no reserve players and a player is forced to leave the game for any reason, other than an ejection, then the batting order can be condensed with no penalty.

5-8: Umpires will enforce the New York State High School Federation rule regarding contact in all CDMSBL play.

  • Decoy Rule: Any fielder may use a decoy only if it serves a strategic purpose. For example, if a fielder, who sees a man attempting to steal second base during a hit and run, looks upward into the sky and says that he’s got the pop-up when in fact the ball has been hit on the ground is a legal decoy as it may cause the runner to retreat to first base and prevent him from advancing. However, if a fielder fakes a tag, forcing a player to slide when there is no strategic purpose or apparent play, the runner will be ruled safe and all runners will advance one base. The defensive player is also subject to ejection as determined by the umpire in conjunction with high school Federation rules. It is not automatic. This is a judgment call.
  • Force-Play Slide Rule: The intent of the force-play slide rule is to ensure the safety of the defensive player. This is a safety rule as well as an interference rule. Whether the defense could have completed the double play has no bearing on the applicability of this rule. This rule pertains to a force-play situation at any base except to a batter who hits the ball, then is running in the proper base path to first base regardless of the number of outs. Otherwise, on any force play, the runner must slide in a direct line between the two bases or run in a direction away from the play as to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder. (1) "On the ground" means either a head-first slide or a slide with one leg and buttock on the ground. (2) "Direct line'' means the runner’s entire body (feet, legs, trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the two bases.


ARTICLE 6 Equipment and uniforms

6-1. Each team must have matching jerseys, hats, socks and baseball pants. This must be complied with before the first game. Division Commissioners/President can grant a waiver to the standards set forth in this Article as he deems appropriate. CDMSBL, however, will enforce the rule and penalize players/GMs at its discretion if in its estimation said infractions diminish/tarnish the image of CDMSBL. All Divisions: Wood bat only.

6-2: Bats must meet Major League Baseball specifications as to size and dimensions. Bats can be all one piece of wood or of a solid barrel composite wood design. Bats cannot be of a design that does not follow the normal taper of a Major League wood bat. Axe bats are allowed. No metal of any kind is allowed. Bats must be BBCOR certified. Tape and gripping materials are allowed. Bamboo and other non-tree sourced plant materials are allowed. (See the Amendments Section for each division’s amended rules).


  • Bats must be of a natural product, and one piece. 


  • Wood composite bats are legal. No metal allowed.


  • Bats must meet Major League Baseball specifications as to size and dimensions but can be all wood or an all-wood laminate. No metal allowed. Tape and gripping materials are allowed. Bamboo and other wood composite bats are allowed.


  • Bats must meet Major League Baseball specifications as to size and dimensions but can be all wood or an all-wood laminate. No metal allowed. Tape and gripping materials are allowed. Bamboo and other wood composite bats are allowed.

6-3: Batting helmets are mandatory for hitting and running the bases. Only one ear flap is required. It must face the pitcher.

6-4: Metal and rubber spikes are permitted.

6-5: Baseballs for the regular season will be supplied by CDMSBL at the start of the season. Once a team’s allotment of baseballs is depleted, the team will be required to purchase CDMSBL-approved baseballs for the remainder of the season. A separate supply of baseballs will be allotted for the playoffs. Commissioners may add/delete to the game allotment per their season plan.

6-6: It is suggested, but not required; that all teams have a First-Aid kit at all games and practices.


ARTICLE 7 Time Limits

7-1. Regular-season games shall be seven (7) innings and are subject to darkness as determined by the umpiring crew and also curfews as designated by CDMSBL rules.

7-2. Five (5) full innings constitutes a complete game. If a game is stopped for darkness, curfew or inclement weather, the final score will be determined by reverting back to the last completed inning, providing five (5) innings have been completed. If the score is tied after the last completed inning, the game shall be recorded as a tie in the standings. Any game played to fewer than five (5) innings, shall be postponed and replayed. The score in games called because of curfew will stand at the time of curfew and the reversion rule will apply.

7-3. If both teams have at least nine (9) players at the scheduled starting time, the game must start. Teams cannot wait for anyone if nine (9) players are present. If necessary, a team can borrow players from the opposing team if fewer than nine (9) players are present at game time. A GM is not required to let a team borrow a player. A team has a 15-minute grace period to field nine (9) players to start a game. Each team needs nine (9) players to start a game 


  • 18+ Division: 10 runs after 5 innings.
  • 33+ Division: 10 runs after 5 innings.
  • 45+ Division: 10 runs after 5 innings - Amendment to run rule as of 6/21/16
    • Mercy Run Rule reduces to 5 runs from 10 at the 2 hour 40 minute mark of the game. Same rules apply as the regular mercy run rule. Basically, no new inning is to start after the 2:40 mark if the score difference at the end of the inning is 5 runs or greater
    • If the game is the last one on the field that day, there is no time limit.
  • 55+ Division: 10 runs after 5 innings. (Rule change approved 7/11/’17 from 10 runs to 12 runs).
  • 62+ Division: No Mercy Rule


ARTICLE 8 Forfeits and Cancellations

8-1. A team that forfeits will lose its forfeiture fee and sanctions under Rule 2-2 will apply. Nine (9) players are needed by each team to start a game. A team can finish with eight (8) players, but not fewer than eight (8). Forfeiting team takes a loss. Non-Forfeiting teams gain a win. If both teams fail to field nine (9) players, both teams will get a loss and Rule 2-2 sanctions will apply.

8-2. The home team’s GM is responsible for notifying the umpires if a game is postponed for any reason. Notification must be given to the umpires at least one (1) hour before the scheduled start of a game. If the home team does not notify the umpires of a postponed game, the home team will pay the umpires in full, and that fee must be paid before the team’s next game. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting its next game with all sanctions in Rule 2-2 applied. Umpire schedules can be found on Arbiter, so GMs/Managers can get the umpires phone numbers before leaving for the game.

8-3. If a GM determines he will not have enough players to start a scheduled game, both General Managers must agree to a resolution so each team has nine (9) players to start said game. A team can borrow an age-eligible CDMSBL registered player to start a game. The Commissioner must be notified and he can veto any agreement regarding the borrowed player. The General Manager of a team showing up with eight (8) players can borrow a player from the opposing team if opponent has more than nine (9) players. The opposing General Manager has the right to veto a borrowed player. A GM does not have to let his opponent borrow a player from his team. An assigned/borrowed player will be a starting player and play a complete game. An assigned/borrowed player cannot pitch. Players cannot be borrowed during playoffs. Borrowed players must be approved by the opposing GM prior to showing up at the field. Borrowed players cannot hit higher than sixth (6th) in the batting order in all divisions.


ARTICLE 9 Rescheduling games

9-1. General Managers have 48 hours from the time of postponement to agree on a rescheduled time, date and location.

9-2. The Commissioner shall approve the time, date and site of a rescheduled game. If a General Manager fails to agree as described in Rule 9-1, the Commissioner shall determine the date, time and location. His decision shall be binding.

9-3. Playing a rescheduled game without CDMSBL President’s or Commissioner’s approval will result in a forfeit for both teams with all sanctions in Rule 2-2 applied.


ARTICLE 10 Protests

10-1. Any team lodging a protest must notify the opposing General Manager and the umpire-in-chief (plate umpire) that he is protesting the game and must do so before the next pitch following the protested call. It would be advised to notify both umpires. Verbal notification must then be made to the CDMSBL President before 9 p.m. the day after the protest is lodged. A written protest must then be accompanied by a $25 fee that shall be submitted with a written notification to the President, Commissioner or a Board member within three (3) days of the protest. This fee is refundable if the protest is upheld. The fee is forfeited if the protest is denied.

10-2. A three (3) member panel comprised of members of the CDMSBL Board of Directors, and as organized by the President, shall review and rule on all protests. The Board panel shall rule on the protest within five (5) days of receipt of the written protest/fee. The panel’s ruling is final. If the Board panel upholds a protest, the Commissioner shall make the necessary arrangements (date, time, location, umpires, etc.) to complete the protested game. The panel will rule on whether the game is picked up from point of protest or if the game will be replayed in its entirety.

10-3. Any member of the Board who the President deems has a bias or appearance of a bias will be excused from serving on a protest committee. An assigned/borrowed player will be a starting player and play a complete game. An assigned/borrowed player cannot pitch. Players cannot be borrowed during playoffs. Borrowed players must be approved by the opposing GM prior to showing up at the field. Borrowed players cannot hit higher than sixth (6th) in the batting order in all divisions.

10-4: Appeals can be filed by anyone accused of, or found guilty of, violating Code of Conduct policies and CDMSBL protocol. A written appeal must then be accompanied by a $25 fee that shall be submitted with a written notification to the President, Commissioner or a Board member within three (3) days of the protest. This fee is refundable if the appeal is upheld. The fee is forfeited if the appeal is denied.


ARTICLE 11 Playoffs

11-1. To be eligible for the playoffs, a player must play in enough games that each division requires to be playoff eligible. The Commissioner reserves the right to review each request for a waiver on the merits of the GM's case. Commissioners will use discretion based on the best interest of the Division. Appeals to the Commissioner's rulings can be made to the CDMSBL President. The President shall make a timely ruling.

All players must play the following amount of games in each division for 2025.  Each league has defined how a “game played” is defined in the Amendments Section

  • 18+ Division: SEVEN (7)
  • 33+ Division: EIGHT (8)
  • 45+ Division: SEVEN (7)
  • 55+ Division: 50% of the team’s games rounded down

11-2: All playoffs games suspended due to inclement weather, darkness, light/field malfunctions or curfews are to be resumed at a later date to their natural completion. Mercy rules apply in all playoff games, including the finals.

11-3: The playoff format shall be determined and posted on the CDMSBL Web site before the regular season starts.

2025 Playoff Formats

  • 18+ Division:
    • Top 2 Seeds get byes
    • Single-Game Playoff: 5 Seed vs 6 Seed to determine the 5 Seed
    • Single-Game Playoff: 7 Seed vs 8 Seed to determine the 6 Seed
    • Quarter-Finals: 3 Seed vs 6 Seed (Best of 3)
    • Quarter-Finals: 4 Seed vs 5 Seed (Best of 3)
    • Semi-Finals: 1 Seed vs Lowest Seed Winner from Quarter-Finals (Best of 5)
    • Semi-Finals: 2 Seed vs Higher Seed Winner from Quarter-Finals (Best of 5)
    • Championship: 2 Winning Teams play in Best of 5


  • 33+ Division:
    • Top 2 Seeds get byes
    • Quarter-Finals: 3 Seed vs 6 Seed (Best of 3)
    • Quarter-Finals: 4 Seed vs 5 Seed (Best of 3)
    • Semi-Finals: 1 Seed vs Lowest Seed Winner from Quarter-Finals (Best of 3)
    • Semi-Finals: 2 Seed vs Higher Seed Winner from Quarter-Finals (Best of 3)
    • Championship: 2 Winning Teams play in Best of 5


  • 45+ Division:
    • All rounds are Best of 3 with no reseeding


  • 55+ Division: 
    • The 1 and 2 Seeds will receive a bye
    • The bottom three teams will play in a double-elimination mini-tournament where two teams survive to become the 5 and 6 Seeds
    • Quarter-Finals: 3 Seed vs 6 Seed (single elimination)
    • Quarter-Finals: 4 Seed vs 5 Seed (single elimination)
    • Semi-Finals: 1 Seed vs Lowest Seed (Best of 3)
    • Semi-Finals: 2 Seed vs Second Lowest Seed (Best of 3)
    • Championship: 2 Winning Teams play in Best of 3


11-4: A system of determining standings and tie breakers will be submitted as part of the division’s season plan.


ARTICLE 12 Season plan

12-1: Commissioners must present their season plans by the deadline as set forth by the CDMSBL Board of Directors. The season plan must include, but not be limited to, budget, regular-season schedule formats, all playoff details and any specialized rule changes. The Board can approve in whole, or modify all or any part of the Plan before approval.


ARTICLE 13 Miscellaneous

13-1: Any person not on a team roster is not permitted in a dugout or on any playing fields. Only those on a team’s official roster can be in a dugout/bench area or on the field. This is an insurance/safety issue.


ARTICLE 14 Discretionary Powers

The President and League Commissioners have discretionary powers. The President can adjust matters as he sees fit. In a timely and expeditious manner, the President must notify the Board of these proposed adjustments. The Board, by vote, can veto these proposed adjustments or revoke them if they have been enacted. Commissioners can also adjust matters in the same fashion. The President can revoke these adjustments as can the Board. Again, worth repeating: **** Mercy rules apply in all playoff games, including the finals.



  • Bats must be of a natural product, and one piece. 
  • Mercy rule after 5 innings (or 4.5 as the case may be) is 10 runs.
  • Managers may elect to use the catcher "speed up" rule with two outs. Last batted out unless it’s the pitcher. Pitchers do not have to run. 
  • A "game played" is earned by either: One at-bat; one inning in the field; three innings on the bench; documented appearance at a postponed/cancelled game (Opposing manager must certify the player was there, not on the way). 
  • A pitcher does not have to come out after hitting three (3) batters or more. 
  • Games in-progress that are suspended shall be picked up where they left off with every effort to maintain the existing lineup as possible. In this case, however, a player would only get credit for one game, even if played on two dates. 
  • Borrowed players cannot bat higher than 6th in the order.


  • Borrowed players cannot hit higher than 6th in the batting order. 
  • Managers may elect to use the catcher "speed up" rule with two outs. Last player batted out will be the runner unless it’s the pitcher. Pitcher does not have to run.
  • Wood composite bats are legal. No metal allowed. 
  • A pitcher who hits his third batter in a game will be removed and cannot return to pitch again in that game. 
  • Each team is allowed five age-waiver players ranging in age from 30-32. No restrictions imposed on any waivered players.
  • A "game played" is earned by being present at the game for four and a half (4½) innings in uniform.


  • Borrowed players cannot hit higher than 6th in the batting order. 
  • If a team has nine (9) players and a player is forced to leave for any reason, the lineup does not condense. 
  • A team is allowed to borrow up to four (4) times without a penalty. On the fifth (5th) time, the team is assessed a fee equal to a forfeit fee. 
  • Game credit includes full-game attendance for an injured player or non-playing member of the team. 
  • A "game played" is earned by a plate appearance or one plate appearance in the field. 
  • It is the responsibility of the team to receive confirmation of its player(s) attendance from the opposing team. 
  • Bats must meet Major League Baseball specifications as to size and dimensions but can be all wood or an all-wood laminate. No metal allowed. Tape and gripping materials are allowed. Bamboo and other wood composite bats are allowed. 
  • A pitcher who hits his third batter in a game will be removed and cannot return to pitch again in that game. 
  • Courtesy runners must be the last BATTED out. With two outs, a team may run for the catcher to utilize a speed-up rule. This is not mandatory. The catcher can continue to occupy a base if he so desires. If the rule is utilized, the runner must be the last batted out unless he already has a courtesy runner.


  • If a game starts and is postponed due to inclement weather before becoming a legal game, players do not get credit for a game played toward playoff eligibility. 
  • Free agency (Jan 22, 2016): A team cannot lose or gain more than two (2) free agents per year. The year commencing and ending at the end of the team’s season. 
  • Bats must meet Major League Baseball specifications as to size and dimensions but can be all wood or an all-wood laminate. No metal allowed. Tape and gripping materials are allowed. Bamboo and other wood composite bats are allowed. 
  • A pitcher who hits his third batter in a game will be removed and cannot return to pitch again in that game. 
  • One shared player (who has not already batted or been a pinch runner) can be inserted in the batting order at any time in the game. He can be in any slot in the order. These two players can bat or run for each other at any time, but must remain in the designated spot in the batting order. 
  • Waivered players in the 55 Division can pitch two (2) innings. 
  • With two outs, a team may run for the catcher to utilize a speed-up rule. This is not mandatory. The catcher can continue to occupy a base if he so desires. If the rule is utilized, the runner must be the last batted out unless that batter already has a courtesy runner. 
  • Borrowed players can not play higher than sixth (6th) in batting order.


  • No fielder can throw out a runner at first base on a hit which reaches the outfield grass or
    designated outfield turf. Outfielders can force a runner out at any of the other bases.
  • No team can score more than five runs per inning. Each team in the 7th inning or later can score unlimited runs.
  • There is no mercy rule in the 62s division. However, the team trailing can concede at any time after a game is official.
  • A team can designate up to two players needing courtesy runners at any time. Courtesy runners will be the last batted out. Courtesy runners can NOT be used for Shared Players.
  • Teams can use unlimited shared players in their lineup where two players can bat and run at any point in the game. These shared players can be added to the lineup at any point in the game. However, any player entering a game as a runner must bat the next time that slot in the batting order comes up.
  • Teams must use a minimum of 11 slots in the batting order per game. If a team has fewer than 11 players at the start of the game, the opposing team can use the same number of batting slots.
  • All new players to the 62 division who are under the age of 65 can only pitch nine outs per game.
  • Stolen Base Rules:
    • Teams are permitted one successful steal of second base per inning.
    • The first stolen base is successful when a pitched ball stays in the dirt circle . A failed pick off from the pitcher or catcher is not a stolen base for purposes of this rule even if the runner advances after getting back to first base.
    • After a team has successfully stolen second base in an inning, a runner at first base can advance to second base
      • On a base on balls, balk, hit by pitch or a ball hit into play.
      • On a wild pitch or passed ball that eludes the catcher and travels beyond the home plate circle.
    • Additional rules after first successful steal of second base:
      • On pick off attempts at first base from the pitcher or catcher, the runner make it back safely to first base and beat the tag of the fielder. No other runners on base can advance UNTIL the first base runner returns to the original base.if they have advanced before the first base runner gets back safely they too have to retreat to their base of origin before attempting to advance.
      • If an error is made on the pickoff throw to any base, a runner at first base may advance to second – ONLY after tagging up at first base.
      • The pitcher may pitch from the windup or stretch.
      • In all instances except a force out from a caught fly ball the first base runner off the bag has to be tagged no matter how far he advanced on the base path.
      • A "dirt circle" ruling is a judgement call by the umpire.